" The Entire Universe Conspired for Us to be Together "
It started from our beloved campus, ITS Surabaya. Even though ITS was not our first choice, but fate made us here now and together.
After campus, we are apart away - Andika work in oilfield overseas and Cendiana work in Insurance Jakarta, we have no communication at all, until late 2018 we connected each other due to traveling question !! After that time we continues communicate and feel close.
In our first traveling as known as Cecentrip, trademarks for cecen while traveling but this time was different because Andika was there to complete Cecentrip. Having time and sharing happiness together on the short trip led us to believe in each other. By the time passing thru to the end of our trip then we made commitment.
We both are interested on finance especially investment, from experience of Andika Investment and Cendiana knowledge on financial planning, we both teach one another to determine which future investment that are good for us. That were really exciting !! Not only on investment, but there were a lot of new things that we can share and learn between us due to difference of our working field.
At last, we arrived on our importance days, we knew these are just 1 step from other steps that we will face. But, after we remembered of how we separated by the distance, place, and time constraint that we have, these obstacles does not break our spirit to make this day happened ! To complete our good deed as a couple, 1 step more to unite our dreams and these wonderful stories. We appreciate your attendances to come and celebrate together our happy wedding days.
Cheers !
"Wedding Party" Resepsi
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Barakallah, selamat Dika, semoga lancar sampai hari H
4 years ago
Selamat Cecen & Andika, gak kerasa tinggal menghitung hari yaa 🥰🥰 Semoga selalu dilancarkan sampai hari H dan seterusnya, semoga Sakinah Mawadah Warahmah, dan semoga diberikan dedek2 kembar ❤️🤗
4 years ago
Rehan Rachmanda GOING
Barakallah dik! Selamat menempuh hidup baru bersama pasangan. Semoga acaranya lancar, serta selanjutnya menjadi keluarga yg SAMARA
4 years ago